Wednesday, November 28, 2007


So no one has commented about my Meez. You know that thing above that sorta resembles me. (At least what I wish I looked like, you know the whole make up and hair done and nice clothes) The props are cute and funny too. They even had glasses that resemble mine!LOL You can add one to your blog or myspace and it's free!! It was fun and easy to do.

Stella is currently playing with Playdoh. I hate that stuff. I know Amy loves it, that's the reason she had kids so she can sit around the house sniffing Playdoh, LOL! (You could post every now and then too, Amy, not just read others!!)

I am here typing this post because I told myself this morning that I would clean the house, or at least part of it. But here I am typing still. Procrastination is a big problem for me. The thought crossed my mind to go shopping for Christmas stuff today since I have no other plans (sinceI'm trying to forget that I WAS going to clean) What else needs to be done beside cleaning, hmmmmm, let me think.......






Ugh, I guess I have to clean!

Oh, yeah..... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!

Oh, in case you are wondering, I'm 29!

he he he........


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Stacy! Welcome to the eternal 29's! :)

jennifer said...

Happy Birthday Stacy. Forever 29...always!

Melodie said...

Happy Birthday! Ihated 29, so I almost skipped it. Sometimes I say that I am older than I am because I'd rather people thing I look young for my age, instead of old for my age!

Melodie said...

Hello, typos! Sorry about that. I guess I wasn't paying attention.

Melodie said...

Nice Meez today! I feel like going on strike, too.

Melodie said...

Hey, Stacy, isn't hitting the soccer ball with your head while wearing your glasses a little dangerous? Maybe your Meez should wear contacts while playing sports.