Thursday, February 28, 2008

Yea, I know

It's been awhile since I posted. I have been trying my hardest to get through this reading crap for my class. It's just sooo boring to me.

But in other news, we finally finished mulching the play area in the back yard. I hope it will cut down on the amount of dirt that was being tracked in by the dogs and kids. I really really hope it does!! Now I have to finish mulching the front flower bed or planter, since it happens to be lacking in flowers or any other wanted vegetation(ie. something other than weeds) right now.

I am also freezing right now but I refuse to turn on the heat. Silly, I know. But which part is silly? The part that I won't turn on the heat or the part where I won't turn on the heat because it's 71 in my house right now and I'm still freezing. I've even got socks on right now! LOL

I leave you with Hunter's first bike:

1 comment:

Melodie said...

Turn on that heat, woman! Jeez!

My themostat is set at 74 today, and I'm still chilly.