Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I don't know how

but I'm down to 146.8 lbs! I ate awful this past week and had small gains the 2 weeks before that. So I am down a total of 9.8 lbs!!! I am back on the wagon and will be counting my points again. I hope to have another larger loss this week because I am losing momentum on this weight loss thing. I need gratification, instantly!

I have a ton of pictures I want to put up but I also have homework and that is more pressing right now whilst Stella naps I can actually get some done.

Ta Ta for now!!!


Working Mama said...

CONGRATS! That is wonderful - see, your metabolism must be working more efficiently now. You should be proud!

Heather said...

I meant to say something earlier, but I thought you looked great at the Easter party. You are doing wonderfully!

Scarlett said...

Yay!!! I'm not surprised - you look great!

Stacy said...

Thank you, you guys are great!!!

Melodie said...

I was thinking the same thing as Heather. I was looking at you and thinking, "She certainly doesn't need to diet."