Sunday, March 23, 2008

Finally.... a new post

I know , I know....
Anyway, here I am and I have a couple of pictures to share. First up is the second part of the one I posted a few post back of Hunter on his first bike... well this is one of him riding without training wheels for the first time!!! He has now graduated from that little one to one that is a bit larger and more size appropriate. I know the picture isn't the greatest but you get the point.

This was at my good friend Amy's son Ewan's birthday party. The kids all had fun and even were brave enough to pet the alligator. That's Hunter's hand reaching in from the side.

This is a picture of how Stella likes to check on the dogs. She likes to make sure they are doing OK and also likes to feed them cookies through their door. It's a perfect size and height for her little body. She will also use this way to talk or yell at Hunter if he's outside as opposed to opening the 'big' door.

This a cowboy Hunter at our friend Matthew's birthday party. He didn't smile until he got off. He was on serious business while upon that pony. He might've had some mail to deliver.....

Happy Easter!
The kids got baskets from the bunny and we've pretty much done nothing all day but laze around and relax.

1 comment:

Melodie said...

It's about damn time!

Happy Easter!