I, for the first time in weeks, have nothing I have to read, write or study. I don't know what to do with myself.
Actually I have an entire mental list of things that do need some attention,
such as the house,
and the yard,
and some posts that I've been tagged for that I haven't done yet (I will get to them soon),
and children that are in desperate need of some quality attention,
and books to read, I have several that have collected dust while waiting for me to pick them up,
and I have a new Nintendo DS that has not been played yet,
and I'm sure there are more, I just can't remember everything!
Tomorrow I am going to go look for a booster seat that I can bring with me to NC, I need something light weight yet safe enough for the hubby to use in his truck when needed, since I don't want to bring or move the Regent because even in all it's safety glorious-ness, is a PITA to move because it must weigh about 300 pounds!
My sister called me today. We haven't in the past talked very much. But she called me today to ask me a question and I had the resources and knowledge to answer because I JUST finished taking that nutrition class. She needed to know what vegi was high in potassium. (Being a vegetarian and preggers she is watching her diet VERY closely) Just so you all know, carrots, acorn squash and artichoke are the best sources per calorie. Broccoli is up there too and it's got LOTs of other great stuff for you too, like iron, which most women don't get enough of BTW.
OK, OK , I'm done.
Good night
4 months ago