Every time I turn around there she is, naked. For no apparent reason other that she has figured out that she can get her shorts off and take her diaper off and just stand there, naked. She can watch TV, naked. She can play with her toys, you guessed it, naked! It's driving me crazy.
I get her dressed, I go make sure Hunter is dressed, then I go get ready, so we can go... where ever it is we need to go, and there she is.... naked, again. I mean jeesh, I just got her dressed!! She just looks at me and smiles, that beautiful, dimply smile. How can I get mad at that smile?
I mean really, how could you get mad at a naked little girl smiling at you like that??? She is so proud of her nakedness.
On another note, I haven't had to clean a poopy diaper in about a month!!! She is going #2 in the potty all the time now. We haven't quite mastered going #1, maybe that is the reason for the nakedness. The diapers she takes off always have just a little bit of pee in them. Sorry, TMI.
Yeah!!! for Stella!!!
3 months ago